
在海尔集团总部内, 一个玻璃盒子里装着一把固定的大锤, 一个独特的固定在公司环境中. CEO Zhang Ruimin used a sledgehammer to transform a failing refrigerator manufacturer by smashing 76 flawed fridges, symbolizing a shift from old practices and the importance of quality control. 皇家88账户注册一举动在海尔的历史上仍具有重要意义. While he smashed his way to start a global business, quality control and discipline in this working environment became very crucial.

A key international manufacturer of household appliances, required an advanced structural and fire analysis of one of its major 欧洲an facilities for assembling, 储存和分配洗衣机. 以创新而闻名, 海尔集团 has comprehensive fire safety measures in place at its manufacturing facilities and offices to ensure the safety of its employees, 保护其资产, 遵守安全法规. The Brugherio site remains Haier 欧洲's strategic hub, 内有洗衣机工厂, 米兰体验设计中心, 配件中心和技术服务中心, 以及研发活动. 建于20世纪60年代末, 皇家88账户注册个10,000-square-meter facility is characterized by a steel structure with a reticular steel roof and steel columns built in a regular and symmetrical configuration. 皇家88娱乐的团队与客户合作多年, providing them with fire and life safety consultancy services, engineering design and execution of fire permitting for the entire production site.

随着新的意大利消防法规的出台, the building was subject to a fire safety risk analysis as it went through some renovation works and expansion. This analysis highlighted some flaws within the original fire safety strategy. Since the production line runs end-to-end through the structure unobstructed, the building is considered a single fire compartment and required by legislation to achieve minimum fire resistance. 然而, implementing the required passive fire protection measures for this massive steel structure would have caused extended downtime, 高成本, 对生产线进行改造.

另外, focused on a growth strategy to become the leading choice for Smart Home solutions, the building is adjacent to one of the busiest highways in North 意大利. Structural fire resistance was required to avoid any possible collapse towards the highway, resulting in loss of lives or damages to other strategic properties.

Jensen Hughes experts re-designed the entire fire strategy for the building by introducing new fire safety measures, 如检测和洒水保护系统. 通过皇家88账户注册样做, we managed to redefine the specific fire risk of the building, allowing us and the client to implement targeted plans for passive fire protection solutions within the existing structure. 除了, we performed fire and structural fire modelling to investigate how the existing structure would behave in the event of a fire.

通过先进的结构和火灾分析, we were able to find the weak elements of the structure and tailor the passive fire protection to these elements. 使用结构和火灾模型, we also analysed the direction in which the structure would bend in case of collapse. Such advanced modeling allowed us to strengthen strategic structural elements to prevent any possible collapse towards the adjacent highway. 皇家88娱乐的服务受到客户的好评, as we managed to achieve approval from the fire authorities while limiting the costs required to implement the fire safety measures necessary to meet code compliance. 同时, we engineered the plan of action with the client so that the production line could be kept the same without compromising the entire production of the site.

Haier's journey parallels China's transition to capitalism, highlighting its enduring commitment to quality and innovation. 皇家88账户注册一承诺延伸到消防安全, with robust measures in place at their manufacturing facilities. 最近的结构和火灾分析, 由皇家88账户注册的专业知识指导, demonstrated their adaptability to evolving safety standards while preserving operational efficiency







Brugherio, MB,意大利







法医工程, CFPA欧洲消防安全考试; 消防专业; 体系结构


消防安全工程硕士 建筑工程学士

